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About our Estate

Our Stakeholders

The Grand Ocean Estate stakeholders including head and shared leaseholders, tenants and the doctor surgeries leased to the NHS

Our Managing Agents are Eddisons inc. Daniells Harrison

Hyde Housing Association Manage Shared Ownership properties.

    • Eddisons are appointed by the Resident Management Company (Grand Ocean View Management Company – GOVMC). The Directors are volunteers who are elected by shareholders , the head leaseholders. The Directors are also head  leaseholders living or owning a property. 
    • As well as Head Leaseholders we have about 40 shared leaseholders who part buy part rent apartments  across the site. They can staircase to full ownership as head leaseholders.  Shared ownership is governed by laws and have a separate e Managing Agents, Hyde. Shared owners do not pay ground rent but pay the full amount of the full service charge. 
  • The Freehold is owned by Elmbirch properties Ltd  and some apartments have to pay an annual ground rent direct to the freeholder.
  • Our service charge pays for all the upkeep of the common parts of the estate and for all of our enjoyment so we want to keep these in good order to enjoy and protect our investment.
  • The NHS lease part of the GOB and is operated as a doctors surgery. They also pay a service charge. 


Eddisons the Managing Agents

Eddisons are a National Company od Chartered Surveyors based in Fareham and Daniells Harrison was acquired by them in January 2022. This means that as a company, we have access to tremendous knowledge and services, which many Managing agents do not.

As a Managing Agent, Eddisons are keen not to be seen as ‘faceless’ and with that in mind there are two main contacts for you to use.  Kevin Daniells, who will deal with the Estate and day to day issues and Stacey Birley, who is the accountant and your contact for everything financial.  Stacey and Kevin can be contacted on the same telephone number which is 01329 221199.

Kevin J. Daniells  AssocRICS

My name is Kevin Daniells and I am the Head of the Property Management Department.  I have owned two ‘art-deco’ properties in the past and I love the style of building, so to be involved with Grand Ocean is of real personal interest to me.

I am keen to ensure that the standard of Service and the level of communications between ourselves and the owners is higher than expected.  Myself and Stacey are happy to help you should a question arise.

My email address is [email protected]

Stacey Birley – Head of Property Management Accounts

We are extremely lucky to have Stacey working for us.  We have 100% confidence in the roll that she undertakes.  As far as Grand Ocean is concerned, she will deal with all of the Statutory obligations required by Companies House.  She is also the person who issues the Service Charge Demands and is therefore the induvial to speak to if you have an accounting issue. 

Stacey’s email address is [email protected] .


Bank: Nat West

Bank Sort Code: 52-41-32

Account Number: 54933749

Account Name: Daniells Harrison Surveyors LLP

Payment Reference see below.

 The payment reference is very important, so that we know who has paid and that it is allocated to the correct apartment. Please use a separate payment and payment reference for each apartment payment, if you pay for more than one apartment.

The reference will start with GOV for the estate name.

Then add the first three letters of your building.

Followed by the apartment number, if your number is below 10 please put a zero before e.g. 01

So, the payment reference for:

  • 51 Caspian Heights would be GOVCAS51
  • 4 Grand Ocean Building would be GOVGRA04 


 Ionian Heights                           GOVION

Caspian Heights                        GOVCAS

Pacific Heights                          GOVPAC

Atlantic Heights                       GOVATL

Grand Ocean Building            GOVGRA

Baltic View                                GOVBAL

  • If you previously paid on any monthly plan please contact Stacey to setup your Standing Order.
  • Eddison’s fully complies with RICS client account rules which do not allow Direct Debits.**
  • If you pay your service charge to Hyde Housing Association you do not need to make any change.
  • If you need any clarification, please contact Stacey who will be happy to assist you. 
  • We would like to get information to you as quickly and as cheaply as possible, so if you would prefer to get all communication by email instead of by post, please let Kevin or Stacey know and help save a tree today.

** The regulatory functions of RICS; Clause 3.5.4 – Payment Controls

“Direct debits and standing orders should only be applied to general client accounts”. The client accounts at the Grand Ocean Estate are designated as client accounts not general accounts and we can only accept standing order, card payments, cheques or bank transfers

Estate Manager / Caretaker 

John Nazemi – [email protected]

Mobile for communal area emergencies 07730 522390 (normal workday hours)


Being A Director

Giving back to our community and making a difference 

All your questions answered or just ask a Director Thinking of becoming a Director

The Directors agree to be a director and agree to the GOVMC Directors Code


The Onsite Gym

The onsite gym is a stand alone facility that is managed by GOVMC on behalf of the members of the gym. The members fees pay for all the running costs.

You can read all about the Gym under the Good Neighbour section and how to apply online for membership and the fees. 

The Gym Users Charter – v 2023 is based on the Gym-Terms-Conditions-v-2021.1

In Need of help - look under Faults


There are 2 doctors surgeries with entrance on Longridge Avenue. The parking spaces are got the doctors and their patients only and a parking scheme enforced operating every day.

Kamsons Pharmacy,

9 Longridge Ave · 01273 302800