All such incidents should be reported to
– the police,
– the neighbourhood watch
– Remus.
Please do not tackle intruders or threaten them with weapons or bats. If you are threatened or feel threatened ring 999
Shout out you have rung the police, alert neighbours if you feel unsafe.
If you take pictures or recordings do it from a safe place.
Never EVER let anyone into our homes, buildings, garages, spaces that you do not know or are not expecting.
People should not come to your apartment front door with surveys or selling anything. Ask for official identification and if you need look up the phone number and ring the company, do not use numbers people give you to ring. Trust your instincts. During office hours ring the caretaker.
Anyone coming to do work has to report to the caretaker.
If people try to tailgate, coming in behind you, ask them politely to use their own fob or ring on the intercom.
Say hello to people inside the lifts, corridors, stairs or garages. Ask them calmly and politely do they need help finding a flat or if they live here: “Hello, I have not seen you before”.
Residents and our guests should be polite and welcome a friendly word. If people are rude or abusive report the incident.
Thank you for keeping us all safe, let’s all be more diligent and caring. If you are or feel threatened ring the police on 999
Better safe than sorry